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HotDocs: Markdown


The runtime needs deno to compile markdown files.


Markdown support is currently under development. You can chime in on this GitHub discussion to share wishes and feedback.

HotDocs supports templates ending in .mderb: you can mix markdown and erb in the same template.

Behind the curtains, .mderb templates are compiled first as .erb and second as .md with unifiedjs . This gives you access to a truckload of plugins that you can configure in config/initializers/markdown.mjs .

For example, if you want all the external links in your .mderbs to open in a new tab, just throw in rehype-external-links!

Syntax highlight

HotDocs highlights code block with PrismJS.

You can customize the css styles by editing prism.css.


On top of the markdown syntax, HotDocs supports admonitions as follows (icons from Heroicons ):

This is an info.

This is a tip.

This is a warning.

This is a danger.

This is an info.


This is a tip.


This is a warning.


This is a danger.

Adding deno to Heroku

You can check if deno is already installed in your Heroku app with:

heroku buildpacks

If deno is not yet installed, you can do so with:

heroku buildpacks:add --index 1
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