Table of contents

Stop the JavaScript madness:

Write your docs with Ruby on Rails

Unleash the

Power of Rails

with HotDocs

HotDocs is a set of optimized Rails components & tools for writing docs

It's just Rails

Do you need the database? Or want to reuse code? What about Hotwire? Yes, yes, and yes! As a Rails dev, you'll feel at home.

Focus on the docs

HotDocs covers all your bases, you only need to author the content. Markdown support (and plugins) included.

Static export 🔜

Export Html and Css for speed while allowing islands of dynamic Js that can interact with your backend.

Comparison with Jekyll & Docusaurus

HotDocs Jekyll Docusaurus
Ruby on Rails (database, Hotwire, etc.)
Embed docs in an existing Rails app
Standalone docs
Styled components you can customize
Markdown (with syntax highlight & themes) 🚀 👍 🚀
Static export 🔜 🚀 👍 🚀
Search 🔜 ✅ 🔌 🔌
Light / Dark 🔜 ✅ 🔌
Open source
Free (if you keep the "Built with HotDocs" in the footer)
Anything missing? Suggestions? Contribute
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